Get Cash or Die Trying. Are You Gonna Be Our Next King & Win $250?
It's no secret that offers a great opportunity to earn a good chunk of money just by uploading quality sex videos. But did you know that on top of that, you can win an extra $250 every month? And that's not all of it. Let's see what's up! 👇
The price is right
Yup, you heard it. The reward is $250, and it will be tagged along with your regular payout request. And that's not all! Your already beautiful profile will also spark up with an exclusive WINNER'S BADGE that will shine bright right next to your name for a whole month. 👑🏰✨
So who can win?
Anyone! That's the beauty of it. All you need is an account and upload quality vertical porn videos that our beautiful editors will approve. Then, at the end of the month, we select one user with the most approved videos – aka our King for the month! 😎
If you don't have an account on yet, here's a manual to do it.
There are only a couple of simple rules:
- Only approved videos count 👈
- You need to have a verified email (pff easy) 👈
- Upload at least 50 approved videos within one contest 👈
- The videos have to meet a special requirement (have no fear) 👈
What about that "special requirement"?
New month, a new contest. To spice things up, our editors select one special requirement you must meet to make your uploads count.
For instance – January's special requirement is to upload videos with #germany tags. Go check it out! I told you to have no fear.
Is it too late to start?
Wrong! This contest will run long, baby, long! In fact, each contest renews every month, and there is virtually no limit on how many times you can win a row. That's an indefinite possibility to get the ultimate cash flow! 🤑
All set to become THE KING OF OUR CASTLE 🤴🏻
That's all there is to it. Just let me remind you that quality content is the ultimate key to become our super king, whose pockets are always packed with sweet cash and his crown shining brightly. Well, at least till the new month comes...
So what are you waiting for? Go get us some meat!